Rashtriya Kisan/Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)


Rashtriya Kisan/Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) [Eligibility, Sectors, Recruitment, Guidelines, Project]

The central government of India launched several schemes, which target the development of a specific area. These schemes are implementable in all Indian states and union territories. One such Additional Central Assistance Scheme is the Rashtriya Kisan Vikas Yojana or Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana or RKVY for short. The central government wanted to ensyre development of agriculture and farmers. Both the central government and the respective state governments must plat their parts properly to ensure the success of this project. The responsibility of providing the necessary cash rests on the central authority. The state governments will develop agro-welfare schemes, which will solve the problems in the respective areas. It will be the duty of the state government to make sure absolute and flawless implementation of these agricultural projects.

Rashtriya Kisan Vikas Yojana

Launch details

Name of the scheme Rashtriya Kisan Vikas Yojana or Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
Launched in India
Launched by Manmohan Singh
Date of official announcement 2007
Target beneficiaries Agricultural sectors and people associated with these
Supervised by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare
New name of the scheme RKVY-RAFTAAR
Allocated budget Rs. 15, 722 crore

Key features of the scheme

  1. Plan for the agro-development of states – The primary objective of the former and present central government is to uplift the agricultural status in every state. With the implementation of RKVY, the state governments, with the financial grants from the center, can tackle the agro-backlogs and work on all sectors, which are associated with farming.
  2. Tenure of the scheme – Though the scheme was implemented in 2007, by Congress, the successive BJP government, formed in 2014, also realized the potential of this project, and kept it active. The tenure of the agro-development project has been extended till 2020.
  3. Financed by central government – The implementation of this welfare scheme was done on a pan-nation basis. Thus, it was rather expensive. The central government made necessary arrangements to supply money for its implementation.
  4. Implementation responsibility rests with the state governments – The responsibility of planning the state-wise schemes and implementation are state authorities’ responsibilities.
  5. Agro-sector integration – Around eight different sectors, all linked with agriculture, have been included in the list.
  6. Increase if farmers’ profit percentage – The development of the agricultural sectors mean more work for the agrarian works. When they get better opportunities, they will earn more money. It will increase their financial prosperity significantly. Thus, diversification is necessary in the agricultural sector.
  7. Crop gap reduction – The two major crops that Indian farmers grow is Rabi and Kharif. But the time gap between these two crops can be constrictively utilized. Successful attempts will ensure better income and increased GDP of the state. States must prepare plans, which include all sections.
  8. Multi-level state planning – The state government must make an elaborate step-by-step project implementation reports. The report must highlight the implementation strategies at the district, block and taluka levels.
  9. No money for failed attempts – It is mandatory for the state authorities to chart out the details of the agricultural reform plans. These program reports will be scrutinized by the central agricultural department. The state will only receive the needed money if the department is convinced about the scheme potentials.
  10. Advantageous for the states – Each state authority develops separate set of agricultural plans for the development of the native farmers. But financial constraints prevent the successful implementation of these welfare schemes. As RKVY offers freedom and flexibility to the states, there is better scope for the application of state policies. It also makes the process flexible.
  11. Cancellation guidelines – The central government is rather stringent about bringing the necessary changes in the agricultural sector. If the state’s plans are approved, and the financial grant is approved, then the state authority must not delay the implementation process. If the implementation and results are not satisfactory, then that particular state of states will no longer remain a part of this project. Additionally, the state authority must repay the entire allocated money to the central treasury.

Eligibility to become a part of this scheme

  1. Only state-wise application – There is no scope for personal application. This project is only open for the states. The CM or the head of the agricultural department of the state will have to apply for attaining the perks.
  2. Deadline for the project completion – The central government will sanction the financial grant only when the state gives a set deadline for the completion of the agro-development scheme. However, all the states, which fail to maintain the set deadline and produce satisfactory results, will have to pay back the money that the central authority had approved. Furthermore, such states will no longer be included in the scheme.
  3. Calculation of grant amount – The central government’s agro-department will check the states’ efforts and success rate in the agricultural sector. The states, which take more initiatives, will receive higher grants as compared to those which failed to apply projects for farmers’ prosperity.
  4. Possibility for getting other central grants – The RKVY is just one agricultural scheme that has been implemented by the central government. Sometimes, the central government prevents the states to acquire the benefits of two similar schemes. However, this rule is not applicable in the case of RKVY project. All the states, which apply for financial grant to develop their agro-infrastructure with this program, will be allowed to enroll for other central projects, which target the agricultural and farmers’ developments as well.

Sectors that come under the project

Sl. No. Name of the agro-based sector
1 More use of mechanization in the agricultural sectors.
2 Ensure research and development for betterment of soil health and increased crop productivity in the states.
3 Expanding the system that operates rain-fed agriculture.
4 Added focus on elimination of pets via organic strategies.
5 Research in the sector of crop development.
6 Better extension of the agricultural scenario for more crop production.
7 Additional grant will be sanctioned for the development of garden farming or horticulture.
8 Animal husbandry is also a part of agriculture that requires special attention for expansion.
9 Mill and fish production are two important and lucrative options. But states require money to develop these sectors.
10 Sericulture is another agro-related sector that will ensure more income for the farmers.
11 Taking necessary measures for the manufacture and distribution of chemical-free and organic fertilizers.
12 The state government must take necessary measures to educate farmers about the modern agricultural methods, which will help them in the long run.

The respective state governments will be better aware of the issues that the farmers are facing in that region. The state government will understand their requirements and come up with befitting solutions. The financial assistance from the central government will indirectly help poor and needy farmers, and people associated with agro-based branches. On most occasions, the central government needs to depend on the state authorities to ensure proper distribution of the scheme benefits. The state governments are well-aware of the farmers’ troubles. The state authority will be able to ensure proper implementation of the scheme, and pave the path for agricultural expansion. The central government will fail in its endeavors if it does not attain the assistance of states. Central financial assistance will make it easy for the state governments to develop more farming welfare projects. They will also be able to work on the application strategies to reach out to as many target beneficiaries as possible.

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