Gramin Tola Sampark Nishchay Yojana in Bihar 2019


Gramin Tola Sampark Nishchay Yojana in Bihar 2019-20 [How to Apply, Eligibility Criteria, Documents, Portal, Registration Form

The inhabitants of the cities have easy access to various facilities. But the same is not true for the people living in the rural areas. They must come to the district or the city. It becomes an ordeal if they do not have proper roads. The remote and rural habitations do not have all-weather roads. The state government had realized the difficulties of the residents and came up with a unique scheme. The Chief Minister launched the Gramin Tola Sampark Nishchay Yojana or Tola Sampark Yojana. It was mentioned in the project that the state government will pave all-weather roads to connect small habitations with the surrounding localities.

Name of the scheme Gramin Tola Sampark Nishchay Yojana or Tola Sampark Yojana
Launched in Bihar
Launched by Nitish Kumar
Date of announcement 2015 – 2016
Official launch date October, 2016
Target of the scheme Construction of better roads in the state
Supervised by Bihar Rural Works Department
Scheme portal

Key features of the scheme

  1. Development of rural tola inhabitants – The implementation of the scheme has been done to provide better roadways for the people living in the rural tolas.
  2. Better transport facilities – The construction of permanent roads will make way for better transport facilities in the remote areas. The inhabitants will be able to travel to nearest villages and district faster.
  3. Construction of permanent roads – The implementation of the scheme will be done to construct better and all-weather roads, for the residents of the tolas.
  4. Gathering information from satellite images – Once the identification of the habitations is complete, the state government officials will survey the area as with the help of satellite images. It will give the officials an area about the general topography.
  5. Physical survey of the area – Once the area has been identified via satellite imagery, state government officials will go to the respective tola. They will survey the area and take the necessary measurements.
  6. Number of identified tolas – As per the official report published by the state government of Bihar, the respective authority has selected around 13786 tolas in the state.
  7. Total road length – As per the scheme details, the state government of Bihar had already made the necessary arrangements for the construction of 1500 kilometers of permanent roads, for well-connectivity of these habitations.
  8. Estimate tenure – The state government had announced that it will leave no stone unturned to finish the bulk of the project by the end of 2019. Thus, the estimate tenure of this scheme was three to five years.

Eligibility to apply for the scheme

  1. Must be a resident of Bihar – If the applicant is not a legal and permanent resident of Bihar, then he/she will be barred from acquiring the perks of this welfare scheme.
  2. Only for tola inhabitants – Those people, who reside in scattered rural tolas will be allowed to gain the benefits of this scheme.
  3. Population criterion – If the tola resident wants the state government to construct permanent roads till his/her house, then he must live in an area that has more than 100 residents.
  4. Caste requirements – The scheme has been designed and developed for the benefits of the backward caste tola residents. Thus, the applicant must belong to the SC, ST or OBC community.
  5. Financial criterion – If an applicant falls under the BPL category, then he/she will be allowed to apply for this scheme.

Documents necessary for application

  1. Residential proof – If any applicant wants to avail the perks of this scheme, then he/she must submit photocopies of residential documents, issued by the Bihar government.
  2. Aadhar card – All applicants need to attach a photocopy of their Aadhar cards. The document will be used by the state government to make background checks.
  3. Certificate highlighting tola population – The applicant must get a certificate issued by the Gram Panchayat office that highlights the population of the area.
  4. Caste certificate – As the scheme is reserved for the people who belong to the backward castes, each candidate must attach a copy of the caste certificate that highlights the ST or SC community.
  5. BPL certificate – It has been stated in the project draft that all the interested applicants will have to attach a photocopy of their BPL certificates with the application form.

How to get application form and apply for the scheme?

  1. Offline application

    As the target beneficiaries like in the remote rural areas, the Bihar government had decided not opt for the online application process. The entire enrollment mode was carried out offline.

  2. Collection of the application form

    The interested individual can collect the enrollment form from the office of the respective Gram Panchayat or the Block Development Office.

  3. Form fill-up

    The applicant must fill in the form with his name, address and location.

  4. Attaching documents

    Once the form has been filled in with the necessary details, the candidate needs to attach the photocopies of the documents, which have been listed in the scheme draft.

  5. Submission of the enrollment form

    Once the applicant has filled in the form and attached the documents, he/she must submit the form at the Gram Panchayat office. The same registration form can be submitted to the Block Development Office.

  6. Beneficiary list

    The state government will select the applicants and prepare the beneficiary list. Once the list is ready, it will be sent to the Panchayat offices, in respective areas.

Lack of proper roads in the rural areas is an alarming issue. It becomes very difficult for the inhabitants to commute. As the roads are in rough shape, there is dearth of adequate transportation facilities. It forces the residents to use bullock carts to get to the district. The implementation of the scheme allowed the state government to detect these areas. Once the identification was over, the Bihar government took the necessary steps to construct all-weather roads to connect these habitations. It also encouraged the development of better transportation options in these regions.