Arundhati Scheme Assam Yojana 2019


Arundhati Scheme Assam Yojana 2019-20
1 Tola Gold to Brides In Marriage  
[Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Documents, How to Apply]

The Assam government has announced a unique welfare scheme that targets the betterment of the young and poor brides of the state. The beneficiaries of this project will receive 10 gram gold ornament. The state will pay the money for this. In this article, you will learn about the eligibility, key features and documents required for successful application.

Name of the scheme Arundhati Scheme
Launched in Assam
Launched by Sarbananda Sonowal
Date of announcement  February 2019
Date of implementation 2020
Target beneficiaries Brides hailing from needy families
Supervised by Government of Assam
Scheme portal Not launched yet

Origin of the scheme name

The state government has launched this scheme for the Hindu applicants. The people in Assam worship Vasistha and his wife Arundhati. The Assam government had named the scheme in the honor of Arundhati Devi.

Key features of the scheme

  1. Step towards women empowerment – The primary objective of the state government is to pave the path for the empowerment of the young brides.
  2. Brides from poor families – The development and the implementation of this scheme have been done for the assistance of those brides, who cannot arrange the necessary money for purchasing ordainments.
  3. Amount of gold for every beneficiary – It has been highlighted in the scheme that the brides, who do not come from financially sound families will be gifted one tola gold. The Gold will be sponsored by the Assam government. It has been estimated that 10 grams of gold comes with a Rs. 38,000 price tag.
  4. Receive gold on wedding day – It has been mentioned in the scheme draft that the state government officials will make the necessary arrangements to handover the gold to the beneficiary after the official registration has been completed.
  5. Financial allocation for the scheme – The Assam government will take all the necessary measures to ensure that scheme is implemented successfully. For this, the Chief Minister has allocated Rs. 300 crore for proper distribution of the perks.

Eligibility that applicants must possess

  1. Only for residents of Assam – It has been highlighted in the guidelines of the welfare scheme that only those marriageable women, who are legal and permanent inhabitants of the region, will attain the scheme benefits.
  2. For adult brides – It is pertinent that the bride has completed the age of 18 years. It signifies that she can take her life’s decisions.
  3. Family income criterion – The scheme draft also mentions that if the income of the bride’s family exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs during a financial year, then she will not be allowed to register for the project perks.
  4. Fulfilling the Special Marriage Act clauses – Necessary checks will be done to make sure that the bride fulfills all the Special Marriage Act criteria. If she fails to pass this test, then her name will not be added to the beneficiary list.

Documents that need to be submitted

  1. Residential proof – Only the applicants who have their state issued residential proof documents, will be allowed to register and attain the perks of this scheme.
  2. ID proof – It is pertinent that the bride and groom submit copies of their ration, voter and Aadhar cards, during the enrollment process. It helps the state officials to scrutinize the details and select deserving beneficiaries.
  3. Age proof – Both the bride and the groom need to produce a copy of their age proof documents. It ensures that they are adults and can enter into the marital arrangement.
  4. Family income certificate – Due to the presence of the income related criterion in the scheme guidelines, it is necessary that the applicants furnish a certificate that sheds light on the annual family earnings.
  5. Special Marriage Act papers – The applicants need to submit an official written declaration. It will be stated in the declaration that they fulfill all the requirements, which have been highlighted under the Special Marriage Act.

How to register for attaining the scheme benefits?

The Chief Minister of the state had hinted about a unique welfare scheme for young women. During the official announcement of the state budget, he talked about the immediate implementation of this project. However, as the scheme is a recent development, the state officials require some time to finalize the implementation guidelines. Soon the Chief Minister will announce the application process so that interested candidates can enroll for the perks. When this happens, you can read about the registration mode in detail on this site.


The welfare scheme has been implemented to ensure that the bride enters a married life happily. The family will also be able to take part in her happiness, as they no longer need to worry about financial constraints. The gold ornament will enhance the beauty of the new bride. If she desires, she can sell the gold and use the money to set up a small business. The ultimate goal of the Assam government is to boost the confidence of the women and empower them.

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