YSR Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card Online AP 2020


YSR Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card in Andhra Pradesh 2020 (JVD) [YSR JVD Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Students – Application Form Online Download, Apply, List, Online Card]

Academic success is important for the overall progress of the students. In the recent times, higher education is rather expensive. It forces many students to opt out of the education structure. Most of these candidates come from financially weak families. The Andhra Pradesh government has launched several schemes for the educational betterment of the pupils in the state. One such scheme is the Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme. The beneficiaries of this project will acquire financial support from the state government. The grant will assist these academic enthusiasts to continue their higher education without financial concerns.

YSR Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card in Andhra Pradesh

Details about the scheme

It is not a brand new scheme. A similar scheme was in operation by the name AP Fee Reimbursement Scheme. The present Chief Minister of the state has re-launched the old scheme as Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme. He has made various changes in the scheme features to increase its effectiveness. The official announcement was made by the Chief Minister on November 2019. The project is scheduled for implementation in the year 2020.

As per the guidelines, the students, who are pursuing higher education in MBA, B.Ed, MCA, medical and engineering streams will attain financial grant. Students, who are pursuing polytechnic, ITI and PG courses, will receive Rs. 15,000, Rs, 10,000 and Rs. 20,000 respectively. Apart from this, the beneficiaries will not have to pay any money for examination fee. It will be deposited in the account of the respective college.

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About the Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card

The state government officials have announced that the applications will be scrutinized. Then the beneficiary list will be prepared. The selected candidates will also get a special pass. It is the Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card. The beneficiary card will be issued in the name of the student by the state government. No money will be charged for the issuance of this card.

It will contain the name, address and the course details of the beneficiary. Additionally, the beneficiary card will contain the registration number to allow proper tracking by the state officials.

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Eligibility for registration

  1. Residential requirement – It is mandatory for the applicants to be legal residents to Andhra Pradesh to attain the financial grant for their higher studies.
  2. Applicants pursuing higher academic degrees – Only college and university students can apply for this scheme.
  3. Family income requirement – The family income of the parents should not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakhs annually, if the applicant desires to attain the perks.
  4. Ownership of land – If the parents of the interested applicant won more than 25 acres of land, then the student’s enrollment will be rejected.
  5. Non-taxpayers – Only those students will be allowed to apply for the perks whose parents fall in the non-income tax paying slab.
  6. Attendance in college – In case the applicant fails to attend college for as much as 75% of the working days, then his/her benefits will be revoked.
  7. BPL and EWS – The primary target applicants of this scheme is the students who belong to BPL and EWS categories.
  8. Backward castes – If the applicant belongs to ST, SC, OBC or other minority groups, then he/she will attain the perks of this project.
  9. Regular course students – The applicants, pursuing the degrees under distance education system will not be considered eligible for the scheme.
  10. Only state universities – The financial grant will be offered to students who are studying in state college and universities.
  11. Four wheeler owners – If the parents of the applicant own four wheeler for private use, then the candidate will be barred from getting the perks of this educational project.
  12. Non-quota applicants – If the applicant has secured admission in the college under any quota system, then he/she will be barred from receiving the benefits.
  13. Reservation for children of labors – If the applicants comes from a family, where the main source of income for the parents is sanitation work, truck, auto or taxi driver, then the applicants will attain the benefits.

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How can students apply for the scheme Card Online?

  1. Scheme portal – The state government will launch a separate portal for the scheme. The interested applicants need to click on the website link to get to the home page.
  2. Application form download – On the portal homepage, there will be a tab that is marked as “Download.” Clicking on this link will trigger the portal to bring up the digitized form that can be downloaded easily. One can get the form from the navasakam.ap.gov.in/downloads/fee_reimbursement.pdf
  3. Form fill-up – The applicant will have to fill in the enrollment form with the necessary details.
  4. Document attachment – After this, the applicant needs to attach the necessary documents and submit it at the college/university office.
  5. Preliminary verification – It is the responsibility of the college office clerks to conduct a preliminary verification. If everything is in order, they will stamp and sign the application form and send it to the respective state department
  6. Final beneficiary list – Once the state officials verify the documents, they will select the applicants and create the final beneficiary list.

The state government officials are making the last minute preparations for the implementation of this educational welfare project. The official reports estimate that after the implementation of this scheme, 2.50 lakh beneficiaries will attain the perks of this scheme. A whopping Rs. 2000 crore has been set aside for the successful implementation of this project. The Chief Minister also announced that his government may change the rules and guidelines to ensure that more eligible candidates receive the perks of this scheme.

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