Basic pension of Group C” and D retirees of Major Port Trusts & Dock Labor


Basic pension of Group C” and D retirees of Major Port Trusts & Dock Labor

Government has expanded the pension benefits by 5.69 percent in specific grades for the retired workers of major Indian ports. The advantages will be provided to the workers who got retired between 1st January, 2007 & 31st December 2011.

Relief For The Group C & D Employees Of Major Port Trusts & Labor Boards

Giving a noteworthy relief to Group “C” & “D” retired workers of the Major Port Trusts & Dock Labor Board, the Shipping Ministry has endorsed the expansion in the pension benefits by 5.69 percent,” Shipping Ministry stated in an announcement.

“This resolution has satisfied the very old demand of the retirees and different labor associations for upgrading the fundamental annuity by 5.69 percent and permitting the dearness help on such improved pension that was not accessible before,” the announcement said.

Announcement By The Union Government

On August 6, 2015, the Union Government has permitted the union of annuity of Group C/D retirees of the Major Port Trusts & Dock Labor Boards, subject to:

The annuity of the retirees proceeding January 1, 2007 will be modified according to the equation given in the Wage Settlement of January 19, 2010 by reexamining the fitment advantage to 30 percent rather than 23 percent notionally and adequately from January 1, 2012.

The beneficiaries would be qualified for unpaid arrears of annuity from January 1, 2012. No compensation advantage would be permissible on extra amount of annuity accumulating as a consequence of this advantage.

Group C and D workers retired between January 1, 2007 & December 31, 2011 will likewise be extended the advantage provided to the retirees before January 1, 2007 by upgrading their basic annuity of 5.69 percent. The advantage of 5.69 percent might be dealt with for computation of dearness relief as it were.

Expenditure must be borne by the specific Ports from their inner assets. The execution of the proposed combination of benefits will be finished by the specific Ports in the wake of acquiring the endorsement of their particular Boards.

The money related ramifications (along with arrears) will cost about 536.00 crore rupees. This advantage will emerge after the endorsement of the Board thereto is gotten by the individual Major Port Trusts.

Number of Employees of Different Ports to be Profited

Port Name Employees benefitted
Chennai Port Trust 11694
Paradip Port Trust   1899
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust     85
Vishakhapatnam Port Trust 11526
Cochin Port Trust   5777
Kandla Port Trust   3300
Kolkata Port Trust 23760
Mumbai Port Trust 28077
VOC Port Trust 2435
Mormu Goa Port Trust 3783
New Mangalore Port Trust 1137
TOTAL 93473

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